Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Taylor 214

I have a love for music and instruments. But I'm not going to write about

that, I'm going to write about my acoustic guitar. It has been there for me during

all the hard times and good times, every time I feel a strong emotion, I have to

write a song. So yes, my acoustic guitar (if you are wondering) would be the one

thing that I would save in a fire.

My acoustic guitar, which I have not yet named, and have owned for almost

a year, is a Taylor 214. The sound of this beautiful creation is sweet, full

and charming. We put in a nice pick up so that I can lead worship and not have

to mic my guitar (the sound guy was happy we made this decision).

Even though my guitar was a Christmas present, and it is somewhat

average on the eyes, I will keep it forever. That's the beauty of instruments, they

get better with age. So If my music career blossoms, wherever I go or wherever I

live, my Taylor 214 acoustic guitar will always be by my side.